Spring Is In the Air – Spring Clean Your Life

Hey There Beautiful Friends!

I hope that you had an amazing week so far! I have had quite a busy week with coaching clients, TV interviews and finishing up my 6th book (The Glambitious Guide To Greatness). Since my birthday is just 2 weeks away, I consider the new book a birthday gift to myself. Additional details forthcoming!

So, after 3 days of being super busy, (in a productive way) I decided to knock out some spring cleaning this morning. My closet was packed with old dresses, purses, and shoes that I had not worn in years. I packed them up and will be donating them to a local domestic violence shelter. 

With that being said, I’d like to share my latest blog post; Spring Is In The Air, Spring Clean Your Life!

Spring is in the air! And what a perfect opportunity to do some spring cleaning for the mind, body, and soul to clear out what no longer serves us well. Letting go of the old, worn out or stale is a powerful action that creates new space for fresh, wonderful, new beginnings!

Begin spring cleaning by getting rid of all forms of clutter. When your space is in order, your thoughts will be in order, and your thinking will be clearer. This will allow space for positive energy to flow. It will also allow your environment a healthier and happier place to thrive.

Those things, people, or ideas that once served a useful purpose in our lives, but now are no longer useful, get rid of them! For example, if you look in your pantry, you are likely to find some items that expired a long time ago. These items are not safe to eat, and you will never use them, but for some reason, they remain on the shelf taking up valuable space. Look in your closet. There are probably clothes in there that you know you will never wear again. But, year after year, they remain in your closet taking up valuable space and leaving a cluttered mess. Don’t forget the people who we allow to take up valuable space. Get rid of them!

There is also mental clutter which clogs our brains with old ideas and memories that do not serve us well. If we don’t clear the clutter from our lives, we aren’t able to let new feelings, experiences, projects, visions, and relationships flow in. We often can become so focused on wanting to add so much more to our lives that we don’t realize that what we get rid of can have the most profound impact of all.

Cleanse your soul by praying and meditating every day, even if it is just for a few minutes. Sit quietly for a few moments. Learn to be still with yourself. As you do this focus on your breathing by breathing in positive thoughts and breathing out negative thoughts. Meditation has been shown to lower blood pressure and improves overall health. I truly believe that spending time daily in prayer and meditation is uplifting and cleansing the soul.

Here are a few other tips to spring clean your life:

  • Let go of what’s draining you
  • Get rid of energy zappers
  • Detox your toxic relationships

Now is a perfect time to do spring cleaning by letting go of the past and releasing old habits and holds we have in our lives. By doing this, we are allowing for new things to flow in its place.

Remember… “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” – William Morris

Happy Spring Cleaning!

PS… Speaking of Spring Cleaning, I have an amazing new program called Spring Clean Your Life! It a 4-week Virtual Group Coaching Program. Early bird registration is now open. Grab your seat by CLICKING HERE… 



A Clean Start: Clear The Clutter Before The New Year


With the new year being just a few days away, this is the perfect opportunity to clear clutter for the mind, body, and soul by clearing out what no longer serves you in a positive way. Letting go of the old, worn out or stale is a powerful action that creates new space for fresh, beautiful, new beginnings!

Begin by getting rid of all forms of clutter. When your space is in order, your thinking will be clearer and allow space for positive energy to flow. It will also enable your environment to be a healthier and happier place. Those things, people, or ideas that once served a useful purpose in our lives, but now are no longer useful, get rid of them! For example, if you look in your pantry, you are likely to find some items that expired a long time ago. These things are not safe to eat, and you will never use them, but for some reason, they remain on the shelf taking up valuable space. Look in your closet. There are probably clothes in there that you know you will never wear again. But, year after year, they remain in your closet taking up valuable space and leaving a cluttered mess. A good rule to follow is if you have not used an item in the past 12 months, get rid of it. This applies to clothing, household appliances, and outdoor equipment. 

There is also mental clutter that clogs our brains with old ideas and memories that do not serve us well. If we don’t clear the clutter from our lives, we aren’t able to let new feelings, experiences, projects, visions, and relationships flow in. We often can become so focused on wanting to add so much more to our lives that we don’t realize that what we get rid of can have the most profound impact of all.

Cleanse your soul by praying and meditating every day, even if it is just for a few minutes. Sit quietly for a few moments. Learn just to be still with yourself. As you do this, focus on your breathing by breathing in positive thoughts and breathing out negative thoughts. Meditation has been shown to lower blood pressure and improves overall health. I truly believe that spending time daily in prayer and meditation is uplifting and cleansing the soul. 

Here are a few other tips to clear the clutter from your life:

  • Let go of what’s draining you
  • Get rid of energy zappers
  • Detox your toxic relationships

Now is a perfect time to clear the clutter, mentally, physically, and spiritually by letting go of the past and releasing old habits and holds we have on our lives. By doing this, we are allowing for new things to flow in its place.

Remember… “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” – William Morris

Happy Decluttering!

P.S. If you have not set your 2018 goals, it’s not too late. CLICK HERE to schedule a 2018 Goal Setting Strategy Session. Let’s work together to make 2018 your best year yet!


Being awesome is most definitely a way of life! It’s all about how you behave and interact in the world. It’s about being your greatest self and putting yourself and what you have to offer out into the world. Being awesome is waking up each morning with the intention of moving forward on your journey, progressing as a person, and wanting to do whatever you can to make a positive difference in your life and the lives of others.

Here are some examples of being awesome:

  • Being optimistic and having a positive outlook
  • Reaching for, finding, and living your passions and dreams
  • Facing your fears and overcoming them with confidence
  • Leading by examples of honesty, integrity, and thoughtfulness
  • Helping others and giving back to your community
  • Treating others as they deserve to be treated: with kindness and
  • Continue growing, learning, evolving, and participating in the world, helping to make a difference
  • Having the courage to stand up for yourself and others
  • Being able to raise your voice when no one’s listening
  • Being of high character and having moral values 
  • Bringing out your inner creativity and showing it to the world

3 Steps For Being Awesome

Step 1: Listen to your inner voice

In particular, listen to your conscience and inner consciousness. This is fairly easy if you take away the mystery aspect some may have. Find a quiet place where you can be alone, just you and your thoughts. Allow yourself to clear your mind of the clutter of your everyday life and just relax. Start to ponder on your life, how things are going, and if you are truly living up to your full potential.

Step 2: Feel the Need

If, after you have thought about what your life would look like if you were being more awesome, you do not feel an inner need to change, then don’t. You have to feel it. You have to want to participate on this journey. Not everyone wants to be awesome. That’s not to say they aren’t good people, it just means they are content with their current life situation, and that’s fine.

Step 3: Start 

If you feel the need to change your life and your current circumstances, all you have to do is start. Start following some of the earlier examples of ways to be awesome. Once you start doing the things in life that are awesome, you will see the effect it has on your thoughts, interactions with others, and feelings towards your life.

Don’t forget to be awesome!

Give Yourself Permission to Forgive: How to Write a Forgiveness Letter

Give Yourself Permission to Forgive: How to Write a Forgiveness Letter

Forgiveness can be difficult for most of us, causing us to carry grudges for years and years. In dealing with my past issues of unforgiveness as well as coaching clients in this area, I’ve learned that the person who is hardest to forgive is the one who can teach you the greatest lessons. The incident is over. Let it go. Allow yourself to be free.

Remember…Forgiveness is seldom for “them.” It’s for us.

How to Write a Forgiveness Letter

Writing a forgiveness letter engages your creativity. It helps you process and heals emotional pain. Writing a letter of forgiveness helps you to connect to your story, your feelings and express yourself. It is a proactive solution that can bring relief and reconnect you to new possibilities.

What you will need:
Paper or a journal/notebook, or a special piece of stationary. Pen, pencil or an iPad/computer.

As you begin writing the letter, let yourself go. Let the words flow. You can edit the letter later if need be. The point in writing a forgiveness letter is to:

  • Address the person who harmed you.
  • Share your story: How were you impacted by his/her actions?
  • Share what you’ve learned, how you have grown.
  • Describe how it has cultivated resilience in you.

1. Address the letter to the person who caused you harm. Who do you want to forgive?
2. State the reason(s) why you are writing a forgiveness letter. What are the reasons you want to forgive?
3. Think of what you do well. What strengths and talents do have that will help you to forgive?
4. Share what it has cost you by not forgiving. How has being unforgiving affected you?
5. Share how you will benefit by forgiving. What are the benefits of forgiveness to you?
6. How will you forgive? What proactive steps will you take to feel forgiving?
7. Finish the letter with addressing the person and stating: “Dear John/Jane, I forgive you because . . .”

Give yourself permission to forgive, your future depends on it!

All the best,

Share Your Story: 10 Tips To Get Started Writing Your Book


As a memoir writing coach, I help women with inspirational stories or overcoming life’s adversities turn their memories into a memoir or a self-help book.

Many aspiring authors come to me for help writing a book. Especially getting started. You are far more likely to successfully write, publish, and sell your book if you follow the below tips before you write a single chapter.

10 Tips To Get Started Writing Your Book

1. Write your book’s working title. It helps you focus and answer the readers’ number one question about the topic. Think about how you will grab your readers’ attention.

2. Write your book’s thesis. A thesis is a sentence or so stating the audience’s main problem/challenge and how your book will solve it. Knowing the thesis before you write the book keeps you on track so you will write a focused, compelling copy that is easy to read. All chapters should support your book’s thesis. 

3. Test your book’s significance. While most writers fear their book won’t be good enough to sell, your book is significant if it has the following elements:

  • It presents useful information.
  • It has the potential to positively affect people’s lives.
  • It’s lively, humorous.
  • It helps answer important reader questions.
  • It creates a deeper understanding of human nature.

Even if your book has only two of these elements, it will be worth writing. With three or more, it’s a potential best seller. Make your book a priority so you can express your mission helping others to a better life, and at the same time make a consistent lifelong income.

4. Pinpoint your primary audience. When you give your book an audience, it sells much better. Not everyone will want to read your book. But, when you write for one audience, your story, tip, or how to is so much more powerful. It’s much easier to market a book to a primary audience than to a general one.

5. Know your book’s 30-60 second “tell and sell” before you write it. Like a billboard, this 2-3 sentence blurb will be so useful to you when you meet people and have only a few minutes to talk about your book. Like an elevator speech, you need to give your potential readers a reason to buy in a few sound bites. It’s the hook, not the book.

First, write down your title. Second, write down your primary audience. Third, list your book’s top three benefits. Last, compare your book with a famous author in your field. 

Practice this short statement. Ask your associates for feedback. Which benefits impressed them? What do they remember most from it? Be willing to edit this piece up to 10 times.

6. Write down your publishing goals for this book. Which suits your more, self-publishing or a traditional publisher? Think about Print on Demand and whether these companies can deliver you a fair deal. Think about writing an eBook first or at the same time as your print book. You need far fewer resources and time to sell an eBook. 

7. Organize your book files. First, create a master folder with your book’s title. Inside, keep a separate file for each chapter. Name each chapter to make sense later. Within those, add your different notes, research or resources.

8. Write down your chapter’s format. Readers expect a clear map to guide them. They like consistency. In non-fiction, each chapter should be approximately the same length and have the same sections. To make your chapters sparkle, use stories, case studies, anecdotes, headings, photos, maps, graphs, exercises, tips.

9. Write the back cover or website sales material before you write your bookInclude a benefit-driven headline to hook the reader to open the book and read the table of contents

Since your readers want benefits and other reasons to buy, place your bio and picture on the inside of the back cover. 

10. Mock up a front cover in your book’s early stages. To sell your books, your cover and title have around four-ten seconds to sell your reader. Covers are the number one hot selling point that sells a book. That means 20% more sales. Browse the bookstores and borrow a few ideas to get you started. Choose colors that suit your audience. Blue and red work for business books. Aqua, yellow, and reds work for personal growth books.

Writing a book is so much easier when you approach it in small bites. 

Considering sharing your story through writing a book and need additional assistance with the process? CLICK HERE to schedule a complimentary Author Consultation
Let’s make this the year you stop procrastinating, get over the fear and take action on behalf of your dreams by becoming a published author.
Share Your Story – Impact The World
I believe in you, 


Have Your Set Your 2017 Goals Yet?

With the new year being just a few weeks away, this is the perfect time to set your goals, intentions, and dreams for 2017. Doing this will automatically set you up for a successful year. 06332-goals

Goal setting is an important way to:

  • Decide what you want to achieve in your life.
  • Separate what’s important from what’s irrelevant, or a distraction.
  • Motivate yourself.
  • Build your self-confidence, based on achievement of your goals.

Do you feel like you just don’t have time to set and maintain goals?

We all have busy lives and daily obligations that can prevent us from keeping our minds set on our goals. But that does not have to be the case. Make goal setting a priority by setting aside an hour so before the new year to write down your goals. When you write down your goals, they take on a life of their own. The written word is so much more powerful than keeping it as a thought because thoughts come and go. Writing down your goals makes them more concrete and real. Studies show that goals are more likely to be achieved when you put them in writing

Ask yourself the following questions as a guide as you prepare your list of goals for 2017.

What do you want to accomplish?
What do you want to experience?
What do you want to acquire?
Who do you want to be?

  • Write down your goal
  • Write down the date that you want to accomplish the goal by
  • write down 3 action steps that will move you toward achieving your goal.

Click here to download my FREE Goal Setting Worksheet!

Need additional help setting your goals? Click here to register for a Goal Setting Strategy Session for only $47 during my Gifts of Empowerment Holiday Special.Offer ends 12/31

Happy Goal Setting!

Empowering You To Live a Life of Passion, Purpose, Potential, and Peace.

10 steps to Create a Winning Vision Board

vision board

Earlier this year I facilitated an online training on how to create a winning vision board that gets results. I can attest that if done correctly, vision boards really do work! Since January I have had 3 items from my vision board manifest.

Do you have a vision for your life? What do you want the rest of your life to be like?

One of my favorite quotes by Louise Hay says, ‘Let the rest of your life be the best of your life.’

Take the time to get really clear about what you want in life. Whether you visualize it, write it down, or represent it in pictures in the form of a Vision Board. This is a powerful first step to making what you want a reality.

The idea behind creating a Vision Board is that when you surround yourself with images of who and what you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, or where you want to go, your life will begin to change and reflect those images and those desires. Vision Boards add clarity to your desires and feeling to your visions. I believe it’s one of the most powerful and valuable visualization tools that you can make available to yourself.

Here are my 10 Steps to Creating a Winning Vision Board.

  1. Preparation:
    1. Gather your supplies – a poster board,
      different types of magazines, and glue.
    2. Put on some soft, beautiful, peaceful music.
    3. Take time for clarity and stillness. Sit quietly. Light a candle.
    4. Pray and meditate. Get clear about your intentions for your Vision Board.
  1. Flip and Rip:
    1. Flip through your magazines.
    2. Rip out anything that grabs your attention.
    3. Allow yourself to have fun looking, flipping through and pulling out pictures or words that appeal to you.
    4. Make a big pile of images, phrases and words.
  1. Sort:
    1. Sort through the images.
    2. Lay your favorite images to the side in a pile.
    3. Use your intuition and take notice of any images don’t feel right. Trust yourself enough to set those aside and not use them.
  2. Arrange:
    1. Place the pictures on your poster board. As you do this, you will get a sense of how the board should be laid out.
  1. Types of Vision Boards:
    1. The ‘I Know Exactly What I Want’ Vision Board. Do this board if you’re very clear about your desires, you want to change your environment and surroundings, and there is a specific thing you want to manifest in your life (i.e. a new home, or starting a business).
    2. The ‘Opening and Allowing’ Vision Board. Do this board if you’re not sure what exactly you want, you’ve been in a period of depression or grief, you have a vision of what you want, but are uncertain about it in some way, or you know what you want to change but don’t know how it’s possible.
    3. The ‘Theme’ Vision Board. Do this board if it’s your birthday, New Year’s Eve or a significant event has started a new cycle (divorce, job change, new business).
  2. Paste:
    1. Paste everything onto the board.
    2. Take your time doing this.
    3. Make sure your pictures are near and orderly.
    4. An unorganized, chaotic vision board results in an unorganized, chaotic life.
  3. Decorate:
    1. Add some personality with decorative touches.
    2. Write power words with gel pens or colorful markers.
  1. Add YOU!
    1. Find a fantastic photo of yourself looking radiant and happy and paste it in the center of the board.
  1. Display it:
    1. Place your Vision Board in a prominent place where you can see it often.
    2. Place it in your office.
    3. Hang it on your bedroom door.
    4. Hang it on the wall of your walk-in closet
  1. Act:
    1. Begin to consciously take action in your daily life.
    2. Be open
    3. Listen to your inner guidance.
    4. Keep an eye out for opportunities and move towards them.
    5. Take Chances and be willing to make a few mistakes.
    6. Get an accountability partner, mentor or coach.

Remember… A vision board is a very powerful goal setting/visualization tool that serves as your image of the future. It is a visible representation of where you are going, representing your dreams, your goals, and your ideal life.

Happy Visioning!


5 Reasons Why You Should Share Your Story


5 Reasons Why You Should Share Your Story

You have a story to tell. We all have a story to tell. Something that’s happened to us. A season of joy. A season of grief, or some journey we’ve been on.

Your story is worth sharing! Testimony is a powerful force in this world. Sharing our stories can take place from a microphone, over a cup of coffee, through the arts, or in a book. It can happen in any number of ways. But before we share the story, we have to understand why it’s important.

5 Reasons Why You Should Share Your Story

1. Share your story to heal: Sharing your story heals by opening up to the feelings that are still trapped inside a deep place in your heart. The process of sharing your story opens up the door to let the emotions go and slowly the heaviness lifts.

 2. We reflect on what’s happened: When we share our stories, we have to intentionally reflect on what has happened in our lives. It forces us to step back and build the plot line, seeing it from a bird’s eye view. Sometimes we’ll gain fresh perspective or insight into our experiences. We recollect the feelings involved, the major and minor events, how we responded, and what God did.

3. We breathe hope into others going through similar things: When we share about what we are going through or have gone through, we invite others to feel hope. If nothing else, we allow others the hope of not being alone. It’s refreshing when we’ve been struggling with something and hear about someone else struggling with it, too. It’s like taking a deep breath. We feel like we have solidarity, even if it’s with a person we don’t even know.

4. Testimonies are a community garden: Our stories are not ours to keep. They are a testament to God’s power in our lives, yes, but they are also teaching what he is capable of doing in others. A story about how God healed a woman from cancer shows us God is capable of performing that miracle in someone else. When a man shares about how he’s lived with a debilitating illness for years and still worships God through the pain–we see that God is also capable of invoking trust, adoration, and peace in someone else facing pain. Our stories, both big and small, are cultivated in community. Why not give them back?

5. We bring glory to God: God is glorified when we share what He’s done in our lives. He is glorified when we humbly share about Him and His purposes being accomplished on this earth through everyday, ordinary people.

You have a story. Share it!


Empowering You to Turn Your Wound Into Wisdom 

P.S. If you are interested in Sharing Your Story through publishing your very own book, CLICK HERE to review the details for my “Share Your Story” Aspiring Author VIP Program.


6 Steps to Conquer Your Comfort Zone and Experience Life in a New Way

6 Steps to Conquer Your Comfort Zone and Experience Life in a New Way, by Tamiko Lowry-Pugh

There are many positive benefits to stepping out of your comfort zone. But for many this is a tough task. A comfort zone is a place or situation where one feels safe and at ease. It is a state of being comfortable because of fcomfort zoneamiliarity. People who don’t push past their comfort zone are often afraid to take risks. But I’m a firm believer that some risks are just worth taking. Life should be fun, spontaneous, adventurous, and exciting. When you stay in your comfort zone, you don’t get to experience any of those life enhancing benefits.

Additional benefits of pushing past your comfort zone:

  • When you push past your comfort zone, you get the opportunity to experience the incredible potential that God has put inside of you. Some of us have God-given potential and talents that we will never tap into because we are afraid to push past our comfort zone.
  • When you move out of your comfort zone, you get to experience life in a new way. Experiencing life in a new way can be rewarding in that you get to find your true passions and life purpose.
  • Your breakthrough is on the other side of our comfort zone. Some of us have been going to trial and tribulations in life and can’t seem to find a way out. If you take a step out of your comfort zone, you will walk right into your breakthrough.

Conquering your comfort zone may seem difficult, but if you follow my 6 step processes, you will build the confidence needed to take you to the other side of your comfort zone and experience life in a new way.

  1. Face your fears: The best medicine for fear is to take action. Fear is very rarely based on truth but is a distorted version of reality. Take action and face your fears head on.
  2. Get comfortable with taking risks: Be a little braver, trust yourself more, make a change, and stop overestimating the probability that something will go wrong.
  3. Embrace the unknown: You cannot control everything in the world. Things and people are always changing, transforming and growing. Even when you think you have it all figured out, there are no guarantees. Live life in the moment.
  4. Change your thoughts: Replace negative thoughts with realistic positive thoughts. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is. -Proverbs 23:7
  5. Take up a new hobby: trying new things will give you a mental and emotional experience that pushes you to think new thoughts and new ways of doing things in almost every area of your life.
  6. Invest in personal development: Making an investment in a class, life coach or counselor shows that you value and have faith in yourself. This allows you to grow in the areas of love, life, and work.

If you feel that you need assistance with moving out of your comfort zone, I highly suggest that you invest in some form of counseling or coaching program that will help you to set and maintain goals that will move you out of your comfort zone so that you can begin to enjoy life in a more adventurous and exciting way.

Are you sitting too comfortably? Contact me for a “Conquer my Comfort Zone” Coaching Session. In this coaching session, I will assess where you are in the “comfort continuum” so that you can begin to take action immediately, build confidence and feel alive!

Tamiko Lowry-Pugh


7 Morning Rituals To Kick Start Your Day

morning rituals

As professional women, we sometimes have so much going on in our lives that we don’t take necessary time and steps to mentally and emotionally prepare the day head. This causes us to become drained, mentally, physically and spiritually. Putting a morning ritual in place gives you the opportunity to set intentions, and connect with your inner spirit.

Here are 7 morning rituals that will help to kick start your day no matter what life may throw your way! You can implement some, one, or any combination of them into your daily routine.

1. Stretch: As soon as you wake up take a minute or two to stretch. According to the Mayo Clinic, stretching increases muscle flexibility, which improves daily performance and overall movement. It also increases blood flow to your muscles and your brain, while at the same relaxing you, and easing tension and stress.

2. Pray/meditate: Never overlook the importance of prayer. Jesus had a lot of time demanded of him, but his time with the Father was the most important – he made it a priority to wake up early before everyone else so he could have some quiet time to pray, and discern God’s will for him that day. Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening to God.

Brew a pot of coffee and set a coffee date with God early in the morning – your spiritual life will never be stronger.
“Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed.” – Mark 1:35

3. Draw inspiration: Read or listen to inspirational messages. Have a little book of inspirational quotes or messages handy. This will make you feel lighter, happier and more liberated.

4. Visualize your desires: In your mind, go over what you want to accomplish for the day and visualize it turning out well. Research shows that both physical and psychological reactions in certain situations can be significantly improved with visualization. You can also use a vision board to help with this step.

5. Practice gratitude: Each morning, write down 3 things that you are grateful for. Your health, your family, your opportunities and everything else going well in your life. When you appreciate what you have, more good things find their way into your life.

6. Let go of negativity:  Harboring negative thoughts or feelings will only drag you down and prevent you from being the best version of you. Change the tone of your thoughts from negative to positive. For example, instead of thinking, “We are going to have a hard time adjusting to our living situation,” change it to, “We will come up with solutions that we will be happy with.”

7. Use affirmations: Come up with a slogan, or saying, that pertains to you and will inspire you to be at your best. Positive affirmations serve as a great tool to program your subconscious mind to help you perform well and have a productive mindset.

Sample affirmations:
This day brings me nothing but joy.
Today will be a gorgeous day to remember.
My thoughts are my reality so I think up a bright new day.
I fill my day with hope and face it with joy.
I choose to fully participate in my day.

Remember…A morning ritual gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

All the best!

Thinking about hiring a life coach? CLICK HERE for a complimentary Empowerment Breakthrough Session to see if my coaching style is right for you.